
时间:2020-10-07 15:36:09 药学毕业论文 我要投稿


【关键词】 ,血液肿瘤
Establishment of an analysis system based on clinical database of malignant blooddiseases
  【Abstract】 AIM: To establish a database system based on the data of clinical hematological malignant blood diseases, which has the functions of fuzzy research, data analysis assisted diagnosis and scientific statistic. METHODS: With the assistance of Windows operating system, Delphi6 was used as a simple tool to develop clients visiting port as well as for the analysis, and SQL Server 2000 as the developing and managing tool for rational database, to accomplish the analysis and statistics of data after integrating the statistical systematic software SPSS11.0 into the database system. RESULTS: The electronic case files and database system of “hematological malignant diseases” was established, which contained the complete information of the diagnosis and therapy of such patients with an aim to provide any time inquire, comparison with relative cases, analysis and statistic of the correlated information with graph and diagram. CONCLUSION: This hematological malignant diseases database system can resolve some problems of keeping case files in paper and accomplish the digitization of clinical data, with the function of intellectual inquiry and authoritative database analysis, which makes it convenient for doctors to make objective evaluation of the diagnosis and therapy.
  【Keywords】 hematological neoplasms;Database;data mining;assistant diagnoses; statistical analyses;SPSS;rough set
  【摘要】 目的:建立一个基于临床恶性血液病(hematological malignant disease, HM)案为数据源,并具有模糊查询,数据分析辅助诊断,科学统计等功能的数据库系统. 方法:以Windows操作系统为平台,Delphi6作为开发数据库客户访问端和简单分析的工具,SQL Server2000作为关系数据库开发和管理工具,并将SPSS 11.0集成到数据库系统中实现对数据分析统计功能. 结果:建立HM电子病历和数据库系统,较完整的记录患者的诊断和治疗信息,实现随时查询,对相似病例比较分析和对相关数据进行数据挖掘及图形或图表统计分析的功能. 结论:集智能查询,数据挖掘和具有权威性统计分析为一体的HM数据库系统,减轻了书面病例维护难的问题,实现临床数据源数字化. 有利于医生对诊疗过程的疗效分析和做出客观评价.
  【关键词】 血液肿瘤;数据库;数据挖掘;辅助诊断;统计分析;SPSS软件;粗糙集
  血液病分类多而且数据量十分庞大,增加了诊断方面复杂性和不确定性,为此我们应用数据挖掘技术和成熟的`计算机数据库技术,以临床病例为数据源,建立起具有职能查询,对临床案例进行数据挖掘,辅助医生诊断,对数据进行科学的统计分析的数据库系统. 该系统具有专家系统的特性,不仅可辅助医生做出初步诊断而且对数据具有强大挖掘和分析功能. 使医生能更快学到更多的临床知识,积累更多的临床经验.
  1.1硬件和操作系统环境要求数据库服务器初步建立在个人PC机上,PC配置应为Intel Pentium 1.8 G或更高,内存大于128 M,硬盘剩余空间不少于2GB. 操作系统为Win2000或更高版本. 在前期开发阶段,数据库服务器以个人PC机为硬件平台.
  1.2数据源模块本数据库以临床病例为数据源,包括文本数据、图像和图形等,可以对各检查项目和治疗方案进行详细的记录. 同时数据库将录入分型标准和检查诊断标准,建立起知识库.