
时间:2017-07-12 我要投稿


摘  要:任何形式的文学作品都可以改编成电影,电视剧的剧本,1篇报告文学,1篇美的散文,甚至1首诗。具有丰富内涵的文学作品在独具慧眼的职业编剧手中,完全能够变成影视剧本,不管它原本的形态是如何单纯。最适合改编成电影,电视剧本的 文学样式是小说,1般而言,成功的小说往往有性格鲜明的人物,脉络清晰的故事,并且它往往是某种明确立意的载体。这些特点恰恰是1个电影,电视剧剧本所需要的。
关键词:文学   电影   电视剧   影视改编


Abstract: The novels of any type can be recomposed to movies and teleplay, like reportage, poem or a elegancy essay, especially. A literature what has a good meaning can be recomposed to a movie and television play by a playwright who can see what others can’t, whatever simplicity of the original shape. The type literature which can be recomposed to a movie and television play the most easy is novel. Generally speaking, a succeed novel always has character who’s character is brilliance and has a good story who’s venation is clear, especially, it is the best carrier who can carry some explicit concept. That character of the literature is no other than the movie and television play needs.

Keywords: Literature   Movies   Teleplay   Recomposition


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