
时间:2017-07-12 我要投稿


摘  要:张承志是1个极具社会责任感的作家,在多年的创作生涯中,站在历史与现实的高度上,以艺术的笔触深入到历史深层和民族的文化内核,探寻民族文化的审美价值、精神特质和人文理想,希冀找到可拯救民族国家度过精神危机的良方。本文从民族文化的角度,在对张承志小说中环境背景、人物形象进行粗浅把握后,分道德、民族精神、信仰3个层面展开论述。张承志在小说中矢志不渝地寻找、塑造着至善的蒙古额吉,强健的黄河父亲,血性的哲合忍耶,1路上苦苦追寻精神家园。本文拟以此挖掘张承志小说中富有文化底蕴的民族情结以展示其背后的民族意识和文化品格,证明多民族文化的进1步融合、重构,对弥补人在商业化、城市化进程中精神困境所具有的意义。

关键词:张承志   文化重构   传统道德   民族精神   宗教信仰

Abstract: Zhang Chengzhi is a writer who has social responsibility very much, in the creation career for many years, stand on history and realistic height, get deeply to the historical deep layer and national culture kernel with the brush stroke in Chinese painting and calligraphy of art, seek national aesthetic value , spiritual speciality and peoples unity and coherence in writing of culture think, hope that finding can save the good recipe of spending spiritual crisis in the national country . This text, in terms of national culture, after carrying on elementary assurance to the environmental background , personages image in Zhang Chengzhis novel, divide three aspects of morals , national spirit , faith and launch describing . It is lucky that Zhang Chengzhi looks for , moulds to kind Mongolian volume persisting in the ambition in the novel, strong the Yellow River father, courageous and upright bearing wisly jointly, pursues the spiritual home earnestly on the way . This text so as to excavate the national complex rich in cultural inside information to plan in Zhang Chengzhis novel, prove the further integration of multi-national culture , construct again, to remedying the people meaning in which the spiritual predicament has in commercialization , urbanization process.

Key words: Zhang Chengzhi   Culture is constructed again
Traditional morals   National spirit   Religious belief


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