
时间:2017-07-12 我要投稿


摘   要



The water is in the Shen Congwen novel has the rich connotation the image. Shen Congwen "the water" the complex and the water primitive image has the intrinsic relation, this the living conditions which locates with him is cannot separate. The author with the aid of the contemplation which adds water, realizes to the life intuition; Also draws support from the condition assurance which adds water, has understood clearly the life connotation. The water another primitive image —— female, and was  not obtained by its water common life quality the material utility pollution love way in his novel full manifesting. In the Shen Congwen novel adds water with the feminine description, the product which is which then social culture environment and he received the education and the western Hunan culture unify, stayed Shen Congwen to construct the happy life society the ideal.
Key words: Shen Congwen; novel creation; water; female


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