曹俞 给学生的练习写上恰当的评语

时间:2020-09-01 09:09:47 英语毕业论文 我要投稿

曹俞 给学生的练习写上恰当的评语

 适当的表扬是一种鼓励,表扬性评语可以增强学生的学习信心和学习兴趣。如:You have improved a lot. Please never give up trying. Success comes through hard work and constant effort. No pains, no gains. I hope you will make more progress in the future. Work harder, and you will make more progress. The harder you work, the sooner you will improve. Come on! I am sure you will catch up soon. The harder you work, the sooner you will improve. I’m proud of you! Wonderful! I appreciate what you have done in your exercise book and I believe you’ll be successful in your English study! 此类评语简单明了,富有情感,很能打动学生的心,使他们倍感亲切和鼓舞。学生们认为教师已经看到他们取得的进步,为了获得更多的'表扬,他们通常在下次做练习时会更认真,尽量不出错误,这样就保持了高三学生学习英语的兴趣。
 在写勉励性评语时,教师要用很委婉的语气,提出自己的看法或建议,并指出今后如何复习,巩固所学知识,如何做各种类型的练习。通过评语,教师尽可把祝福、问候、关切、激励、真诚、信任之情化作甘泉,去滋润学生的心田,引起师生教与学的共鸣,达到教与学两者的和谐与统一。通常所用的评语有:There is nothing difficult in the world if you put your heart into it. Could you please spend more time in reading and reciting the text? Would you please listen to the teacher more carefully in class next time? Please use the sentence structure that we have learned in this unit. Enjoy yourself in the coming holidays! Many happy returns! Don't lose heart. I am ready to help you. I am sorry to hear that you didn't pass the exam. I hope you are not too disappointed. I want to cheer you up with the saying "Failure is the mother of success. I hope to see much improvement in your future studies. 实践证明:勉励性评语能指导学生如何处理学与做的关系,端正学习态度,从而提高高三学生复习效率。
 我们都知道:每个学生都希望得到老师的特别关注,而后进生更是如此。若经常能得到老师的关爱,学生便会产生一种积极向上的情感动力,并促其奋进。因此,写评语的时候,要客观公正地对待每个学生,尤其对后进生更应该侧重,对他们的点滴进步,要及时鼓励,并力求保持一定的连续性。通常所用的评语有:例如:I have found your article is much better than before. You have made great progress now. Don't lose your heart! Where there is a will, there is a way。Although you have not been successful, you have done better than ever. Success belongs to the diligent learners. I am sure you will make more and more progress if you keep on practicing your reading English. Live and learn. The water wears away stones. I wish you success in the coming examination. Your handwriting is very beautiful! What good composition you have written! You do your homework better than last time! Your exercises are very tidy! 这些富有情感的评语,能使高三毕业班学生大受鼓舞,从而激发其学习英语的积极性。
 高三学生各方面比较成熟,不同的性格很明显,自然有不同的需要,那么练习中的评语就要针对不同层次的学生及其练习,在学习方法上进行有针对性、实效性的跟踪指导,在情感上尤其要进行充分的沟通与激励,这样就能让好生更上一层楼,使中间生改正不足、发扬长处,使暂时后进的学生能克服畏惧心理,树立自信心。对好生的练习表扬中要有指正,教师可通过评语向他们提出更高要求。例如:It's good to be correct. It's also excellent you haven't made any mistakes, but try to make your handwriting nicer! You're the best in our class, but there are other classmates in other classes who are better than you. I hope you can be ahead of them next time. I've got to hand it to you; you really did a good job! What good work! You are the pride of our class.对中间生的练习要慎重评价,在评语中要多多督促。例如:You had better be more careful! Pay more attention to the tenses. Your work is quite good except for a few spelling mistakes. Keep it up. Remember that little by little one goes far.对后进生的练习要进行有效的积极的鼓励评价,及时发现他们的进步,并以关怀的态度指出存在的缺点和不足,根据学生的个别差异提出今后改进的具体建议,能激发他们潜在的上进心和求胜欲望,要善于发现他们的长处和闪光点,及时进行肯定和表扬。例如:Your work has improved. I am sure there is nothing too difficult for us to learn. There are only a few mistakes this time! But pay attention to the tense! I hope to see your progress everyday. I like your handwriting very much! If only you were more careful! Well done! Pay attention to your handwriting,OK? Never give up English, it will be helpful in the future. I am so glad you have made so much great progress in your exercises。
⒈ 教育部《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》,北京师范大学出版社,2001年
⒉ 林群英 “英语作业评语的魅力——谈谈给学生英语作业写评语”,《教育研究》,2002年第2期
⒊ 吝小龙 “批改评语在英语教学中的作用”,《中小学英语教学与研究》,2004年第19期
⒋ 王海英 “英语作业评语对课堂教学的促进作用”,《中学外语教与学》,2006年第3期

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