
时间:2020-09-01 09:10:21 英语毕业论文 我要投稿


词、句、篇的有效整合小学英语语篇教学尝试 李霞
实录1    精彩导入,成功的一半
   良好的开端是成功的一半,成功的导入是教学成功的重要催化剂,恰当精妙的导入能使教学收到意想不到的效果。因此,我在设计6A  Unit2  Ben’s birthday导入步骤时采用了“谈话导入法”和“悬念导入法”,千方百计激发学生的求知欲,充分调动学生的主观能动性,提高课堂教学效果。
 6A  Unit2  Ben’s birthday
 T:What day is it today? 
 S:It’s Friday.
   T: What date is it today? 
  S:  Today is the 25th of September.
    T: Teachers’ Day is on the 10th of September. Do you know any other special dates?  (important days and festivals in a year)
 S1: Women’s  Day is on the 8th of March
 S2: Children’s Day is on the 1st of June.
 S3:New Year’s Day is on the 1st of January,
 T: There are twelve months in a year, l like September very much. Why do I like it best, guess? 
 S1: Because Teachers’ Day is in it.
 S2: Because your birthday is in it .
 T: Yes, I like September because Teachers’ Day is on the 10th of September. It is a big day for all the teachers.  Mid-autumn Day is usually in this month, many Chinese people get together and have a big dinner.I love nice food. Finally, my birthday is  in September. Guess, when’s Miss Li’s birthday?
 S1: It’s on the 20th of September.
 S2: It’s on the 1st of September.
 S3: It’s on  5th of September.
 T: No, try again. My birthday is close to National Day.  Is Miss Li’s birthday on the…?  
 S:Your birthday is on the 28th of September.
 T: Wonderful! My birthday is on the 28th of September. It’s coming soon.
    评价:教师用设置的'悬念拉开一节课的序幕,比较容易激发学生的好奇心,能极大地调动学生的学习积极性。学生学习积极性被很好的激发了,回答问题相当活跃.如:Your birthday is on the …….
 执教4A Unit 3 A purse 第一课时,在授单词purse后,我与学生之间进行了如下对话:
T: Excuse me , Do you have a purse?
T/ssss…:Wow,how lovely! OK,now let’s describe this purse.(用学过的语言)
S1: It’s a monkey purse.
S2:It’s nice.
S3:It’s brown and yellow.
S4:It’s Zhang Fei’s purse.
S5:I like this purse.
S6: How lovely! I’d like that purse.
T: Wonderful!  Look at this purse ,Can you say any sentences ?(教师解释:能说一段话吗?)给学生时间准备。
S: That is a monkey purse, It’s brown and yellow. It’s nice. It’s Zhang Fei’s purse. I like this purse.And I’d like that purse.(指导学生说语篇时注意语言的完整及先后顺序)
T: Very good. OK. Look at this lovely purse.Do you have any questions to ask Miss Li ?(用学过的语言)