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10 Ways to Mark Earth Day at Your Company
(一)Celebrate Mother Earth by launching these sustainable initiatives at your company.
By Inc. Staff |  Apr 22, 2010
 作者:Inc.工作组  2010年4月22日
(二)April 22, 2010 marks the 40th anniversary of Earth Day, an event designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the environment. Many businesses may also wish to use the press coverage surrounding the day to launch sustainable and environmentally-friendly initiatives. Here are 10 steps you can take today to reduce your carbon footprint, cut down on waste, and build sustainability into your business's daily operations.

(三)1. Determine Your Energy ConsumptionMany companies put the cart before the horse by launching green initiatives without first benchmarking their current energy and raw-material consumption. But before you begin being green, you have to know how ungreen you really are. The EPA's Energy Star program offers a set of tools called Portfolio Manager to help you gauge your energy and water use. The agency has also developed spreadsheets ("energy performance indicators") that allow manufacturers in certain industries to judge their own consumption.
 许多公司在推行环保之前没有对能源和原材料消耗的进行评估,这种做法是本末倒置的。在开始环保行动之前,您必须知道公司不环保的地方在哪里。 EPA的能源之星计划提供了一套工具,名为投资组合管理,帮助衡量您公司的能源和水的使用。该机构还开发了电子表格(“能源业绩指标”),使制造商可以控制自己的产品能源消耗。
(四)Commissioning, which simply means making sure building systems are running as designed, is a major part of this process because systems degrade over time and must be periodically retested. Such re- (or retro-) commissioning pays huge dividends, according to a recent study sponsired by the Energy Department. A 15 percent reduction in energy use at a cost of just 27 cents per square foot, for a payback time of less than nine months, the report found.
(五)2. Use Less PaperIt's easy to print out your e-mails or copy a pdf presentation for 30 people without ever considering the trees and the energy it takes to create those crisp, white sheets. U.S. businesses still use about 21 million tons of paper each year. It doesn't have to be this way. Paperless contracts are real, and their popularity is growing more everyday. Thanks to a law passed by Congress in 2000, any signature made electronically—whether it's typing your name at the bottom of an e-mail, pushing an "Accept" button, or using an electronic pen and pad—is just as binding as an old-fashioned pen-and-paper John Hancock. (五)2.少用纸张。

(六)A different tactic for eliminating paper: avoid it for storing or circulating information. Instead, use e-mail to send and review reports, edit materials online, ask that information be sent to you electronically, and save things on a hard drive, CD-ROM or other electronic memory device, according to an Environmental Protection Agency office paper reduction tip sheet. Also, look into software tools that stem printer waste. GreenPrint, a Portland, Oregon company, makes software that analyzes documents sent to the printer for wasteful characteristics like a last page with just a URL or banner ad and stops them from printing out. The enterprise version also provides statistics that companies can use to monitor paper use. FinePrint Software, a San Francisco company, sells a similar product. (六)減少使用纸张的策略:避免重复储存或流通资料。使用电子邮件发送和审查报告,用在线方式编辑材料来代替纸张,当你使用电邮发送或查阅一个报告的时候,可以利用网络工具进行编辑,回复咨询可使用电子发送方式,当你储存资料时可以储存在硬盘、光盘或者其他电子存储器上。此外,利用软件工具查阅来杜绝打印耗材的浪费。波特兰的Oregon公司研发的绿色打印软件,能够分析并阻止打印只有一个URL的页面或横幅广告。企业版还提供统计数据,企业可以用它来监测用纸。三藩市一个公司销售类似功能的FinePrint软件。

(七)3. Take a Look at Your WindowsIn 2007, Anthony Malkin, whose family owns the Empire State Building and whose real-estate investment firm manages it, announced a plan to reduce the skyscraper's energy use 38 percent by 2013, saving $4.4 million in the process. Surprisingly, changing the windows will play a big part in the money savings. Malkin contracted Serious Materials, a manufacturer of sustainable windows and drywall based in Silicon Valley, to make energy-efficient all 6,514 windows—roughly 26,000 panes of glass in the historic building. But Malkin, who had had new, dual-pane windows installed as recently as the 1990s, hated the idea of simply throwing all that glass away. Serious Materials has a process that transforms the old glass into super-insulating glass four times more efficient than most energy-efficient windows. (七)3.检查你的窗户。
(七)拥有帝国大厦和房地产投资公司管理的Anthony Malkin,于2007年宣布了一项计划——即是到2013年减少摩天大楼的能源使用38%,这个过程能够节省440万美元。令人惊讶的是,改造窗户是这个省钱计划的重要部分。Malkin在硅谷基地研发的Serious Materials项目,是可循环使用的窗户和灰墙,6514扇节能窗户和大约26000块窗户玻璃用在摩天大楼。但是当使用新的中空玻璃窗户的时候,MALKIN在20世纪90年代就有最新的中空玻璃窗户,却反对丢弃旧式窗户的玻璃的做法。Serious Materials项目成功地将旧的窗户转换成超级隔热玻璃的四倍最节能高效的玻璃。
(八)If changing all the windows isn't an option, an alternative is treating windows with a low-emission glaze that reflects long-wave heat rays in sunlight. As a result, offices stay cool in the summer using less air conditioning. Retrofitting windows with so-called sun shelves or light shelves may help also. Made of perforated metal and painted white, the shelves sit under the top fourth of the windows (like a higher window sill). They can bring up to 50% additional daylight into a space when placed on south-facing windows.
