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How to Run an Effective Meeting
Meetings are the bane of the corporate world but even small businesses can't avoid them completely. Here's how to run your meetings without wasting time or money.
It's the fuel for movies like Office Space and Scott Adams' Dilbert comics: the inefficiency and bureaucracy of the corporate world. Boring, pointless meetings are just one of the symptoms of an entire ecosystem of poor organization and communication.    像上班一条虫斯科特·亚当斯的呆伯特漫画改编成的电影是以会议为原型的:体现出的是企业界的低效率和形式主义。会议枯燥,目的不明确只是整个公司运作环节组织不力,交流匮乏的表现之一。
So why are meetings often so ineffective? You'd think that nobody involved would want to waste his or her valuable time. Many managers and business owners simply have unrealistic expectations for how meetings will operate. They think, "We'll just have a free flowing, open, brainstorming type of meeting and lots of good ideas will come out,'" says Glenn Parker, a team building consultant and the author of  Meeting Excellence: 33 Tools to Lead Meetings That Get Results.
 为什么会议会经常的如此的没有成效?你应该想想谁都不想浪费他的或者她的宝贵时间。许多管理者和企业家对会议仅仅有着不切实际的期望。格伦·帕克(一个团队建设的顾问和使会议取得成效的33种方法的作者)说,“他们认为我们就随意开放讨论会议很多好点子就会产生,便可以集思广益。” Parker says there's a time and a place for that kind of meeting, for example if you're gathering some creatives to pool ideas for an ad campaign, but a lack of structure is likely to yield a lack of results. The style of meetings you run can range from this freeform discussion mode to a one-way information dump, in which the leadership updates their staff on strategic developments.
 For some companies meetings are a tumor of unproductiveness waiting to be excised, while for others they're the lifeblood of the company's communication in chaotic times. In either case, there are plenty of ways you can make sure your meetings are productive.   对于有些公司来说,会议是一个有害的肿瘤有待去除,而对于其他公司而言,他们则是公司混乱时期交流所必须的命脉。在这两种情况下,你又有许多方法可以确保你的会议行之有效。
How to Run an Effective Meeting: Types of Meetings and How to Run Them如何有效召开会议:会议类型和如何运行
Just as meetings can serve a wide variety of functions within your company, you want to tailor your leadership approach depending on the sort of meeting you are running:
Action-oriented meetings - These meetings are intended to solve a pressing, or time-sensitive problem. In this case, key strategies include making sure people prepare well for the meeting so that you don't waste everyone's time trying to come up with solutions but rather debating the merits of potential solutions that people propose. You want to use language and choose a space that welcomes people to share their ideas while also letting people know that they should come prepared to defend their ideas fiercely.
 Brainstorming or creative meetings - For a meeting like this you want to make sure there's food and drink to fuel long sessions churning out ideas. While these meetings can last longer than regular meetings and be a bit more free flowing, you still want to have a cap in mind for how much time you're willing to spend. Bringing in unexpected but relevant items can also spur creativity. For example, if you're discussing the design of a new office space, bringing in some Legos might give people a good outlet for their imaginations.
Short-term planning meetings - For short-term planning meetings, the list of people you invite is even more important than it is at a regular meeting. These meetings are likely to require a lot of team interaction, for example if you're working on a current project that involves, the sales, business development, and advertising departments. Make sure that people are on the same page before the meeting itself to save time and set out expectations for how and how often they will communicate both with the level of management above them and with their fellow teams.
Long-term planning meetings or retreats - Long-term planning meetings are likely to include most if not all high-level executives, though many small companies like to include their entire staffs in this process. However, lots of people means lots of opportunity for digression and irrelevance. If you have a lot of sharing going on make sure to choose a format that either maximizes the opportunities for the upper echelons to share their vision with the employees or for the employees themselves to discuss improvements or changes that they feel could help the company meet its goals.
 长期规划或变更的会议—— 一般长期规划会议大多数可能不会是高管,而一些小公司则有可能要所有员工参与。而人越多意味着偏离主题或许更多无关紧要的状况出现的几率也越高。如果你打算进行想法的共享,就要选定一种模式要么尽可能地让上层高管与雇员们发表他们的见解,要么就让员工们自己就如何帮助公司达到目标讨论完善和改变的方法。
 Dig Deeper: Let's Start With an Icebreaker延伸:像一个破冰者一样开始
 How to Run an Effective Meeting: 3 Tips for Meeting Success如何有效召开会议:三个小妙招确保会议成功
 While Parker outlines 33 tools for honing your meeting leading abilities in his book, he boiled the essentials down to three key ways to keep your meetings from being time wasters:   尽管帕克在他的书中列出33条训练你的会议组织技巧,他把这些主要的归结为三点以免浪费时间:
 The first tidbit sounds obvious, but enough people disregard it to make it necessary. "Make sure there's a purpose for the meeting," Parker says. "Don't just have a meeting because it's Tuesday or don't just have a meeting because you haven't had one in a month and you feel like you should." Phone calls, e-mails, and calling folks into your office can be valuable replacements for larger group meetings.    第一点看似很明显,但是很多人都会忽视,由此更有必要提一下。帕克说要确保开会有一个明确的目的,不要因为是星期二就开会或者是因为一个月没有开会了而觉得应该要进行一次会议。这时打电话,发邮件,叫员工来你办公室可以作为召开大型会议重要的替代方式。
 Secondly, having a purpose for the meeting isn't enough unless people know what that purpose is so they can come prepared. There should also be a list of agenda items that get distributed to everyone involved, and ideally a specific amount of time alotted to cover each one to partially preempt digressions.    第二,仅仅有明确的开会的目的所在是不够的,除非开会的人知道会议的目的所在,然后在会前准备好。开会时应该有会议的议程发给与会者,最好是每一部分有特定的时间分配,甚至提前分配好偏离主题的时间。
 Finally, for a meeting to be successful rather than wasteful, you need to make sure the right people are there, no more no less. Do you need multiple representatives from the sales department or can one of them report back to their team. If someone consistently stays silent during meetings you either have a shy employee or someone with nothing to contribute in the context of that particular meeting.   最后,要想会议成功而不是在浪费时间,你需要所有合适的人员都到场,不多也不少。你需要各种各样的销售部参与者吗?或者任何他们中一个向你汇报他们队的工作。假如某个人总是在会议当中保持沉默。要么他就是个害羞的人或者在那种特殊的会议当中他不能做任何贡献。
 Dig Deeper: What's the Best Time for a Meeting延伸:什么时候是开会最佳时间?
 How to Run an Effective Meeting: Keeping In Touch
 Mike Mastous' business operates at a breakneck pace, so if he found that meetings were time wasters, he'd have to trim the fat, and fast. At Delta Disaster Services, his Arvada, Colorado-based property restoration company, they get a call whenever a fire, flood, or similar disaster wrecks a commercial or residential building.   麦克. 马斯塔斯的企业是以高速惊险的速度运行操作的。所以即使他认为开会只是在浪费时间,他也不得不挑选最重要的东西迅速讲完。他的阿瓦达,科罗拉多州的财产恢复公司的三角洲灾难服务部,无论何时一场火灾或者洪灾或者类似摧毁商业楼或者住宅楼的灾难发生时,他们都会接到一通电话。
 "When our phone rings, we're in business, and my phone could ring 20 times today and we've got 20 jobs that are real-time starts," he says. Though much time is spent gutting, draining, and rebuilding houses and stores, dealing with insurance companies, contractors and code violations eats up even more time and require real organizing chops.
 Mastous makes sure his teams are coordinated with the help of technology, and a broader definition of what a meeting is. "Meetings aren't just skin to skin," he says, "they're getting people involved in conference calls, they're getting people involved in e-mail updates. Our IT IQ is pretty high." As an added layer of technology, everyone carries handhelds in the field to stay in touch and their locations are tracked via GPS to aid in fast response to new disasters.    马斯塔斯确保他的队员们能在技术的辅助下协调一致并对会议的含义所在有更广泛的理解。他说,“会议不仅仅是表面的肤浅的,他们是召集人们使参与到电话会议中来。他们是召集人们使参与到最新的电子邮件中来。我们的IT智商是相当高的。”作为一个附加层的技术,每个人都通过设在该领域的手持设备保持联系和它们的位置是通过全球定位系统跟踪的,以帮助快速响应新的灾难。
 But Mastous also convenes plenty of in-person meetings, between seven and 10 a week, which is a lot for a company with only 25 employees and 30 subcontractors. Some of the most important communication happens before the meeting even begins. "Everyone's notified in advance what [issues will be covered] and they're to come to meetings with solutions," Mastous says.   但是马斯塔斯也亲自召开许多会议,一周有7-10次,这相对于一个仅有25个雇员和30个承包商的公司而言是相当多的。而一些最重要的交流早在会议开始前就已经开始了。“提前通知了每个人所要讨论的议题,他们都是带着解决方案来的。”马斯塔斯说。 
 Dig Deeper: Joel Spolsky's A Little Less Conversation延伸:乔奥司坡奥斯基德少些交谈
 How to Run an Effective Meeting: Time Management如何有效召开会议:规划好时间
 No matter how detailed of an agenda you e-mail to your entire team, people will go over the time limits. You need to decide on a case-by-case basis whether that's acceptable or whether the discussion should be tabled for another time, but it helps to have systems in place.   不管你在你的邮件中如何向你的团队详化你的日程,人们会忽略时间的限制。你要个案地决定哪个可以接受,是否还需要进一步另找一个时间商讨,因为这有助于建立一套合理的制度。
 When a meeting participant starts to pontificate a bit, it's up to you "as the meeting leader to say something like, ‘it looks like we've drifted a bit, can we come back and focus on whatever that agenda item is,'" Parker advises. Another strategy is acknowledging the person's experience with the subject but suggesting the issue be raised at a later time. If it's germane but time is still running out, you should assign a smaller group to either gather more information or move the process along once the meeting is over.   当一个与会者开始目空一切的谈论时,你作为会议主持者应该说点什么像”我们似乎已经有点偏离主题了,我们还是回到我们今天的主要议题上来吧,这取决于你,”帕克建议说。另外一个技巧是肯定这个人在这个主题方面的经验,但是暗示这个议题应该稍后再提。如果它与主题密切相关但是时间不够,你应该给一个小组分配任务以便能搜集更多信息及在会议结束后也能保证推动会议进程。
 At Delta, Mastous tries to strike a tone that's simultaneously business-like and light-hearted. There are two clocks in the company's meeting room and "we have a gentleman in our office named Steve Foster, and Steve is extremely anal about being at a meeting on time, getting to the point, covering topics and getting out of the meeting on time because everybody has secondary appointments. We call those clocks Fosters."   在三角服务中心,马斯塔斯试着给人们留下深刻印象,一方面让人觉得轻松愉快同时又像是在做生意。会议室中有两面钟,我们团队中有一位叫斯蒂芬.福斯特的男士。他很讲究认为要准时参加会议、及时进入正题、按时完成会议。因为每个人接下来还有自己的安排。我们把他称为福斯特闹钟。
 Despite Foster's passion for punctuality, Mastous is still the one in charge of nipping tangents in the bud. "I want it to be healthy and I want it to be upbeat, and I don't want people to feel like it's martial law," he says.   虽然福斯特对准时很有见地,但是马斯塔斯才是会议的掌控者,他总能防止离题太远。“我希望整个会议过程中氛围良好,积极向上,我不想让人们觉得像是在进行军事管制。”他说。
 Another time management question is how often a team should meet and how long they should meet for. This obviously varies but, according to Parker, if you want to maintain a level of concentration and involvement "an hour is probably best, an hour and a half at the maximum without a break." As far as whether a group should gather daily quarterly or somewhere in between, there's a correlation between the scope of the project and the frequency of check-ins. Bigger picture planning meetings don't need to happen as frequently while small group projects might require near constant communication and meetings.   另外时间管理问题是一个团队应多久开一次会议以及一次会议开多久。显然这要因情况而异,对帕克来说,如果你想要达到注意力高度集中,积极参与的水平,也许一个小时最好,最多一个半小时无间断的进行。至于每组是否要每天或是每季度或介于两者之间时聚集,这就得看这个项目涉及的范围广度和需要检查的间隔。较大型的蓝图规划会议不需要经常召开,而小组项目会议则需要不断地会议来沟通交流。
 Dig Deeper: How to Organize Your Time and Space
 延深:如何组织你的时间和空间How to Run an Effective Meeting: Meetings and Company Culture
 如何有效召开会议:会议和公司文化The way a meeting will play out is often reflected in the setting where you choose to hold it. If you choose a round table or circular set-up, it sends the message that everyone is expected and encouraged to participate as opposed to an auditorium or classroom style set-up, in which case employees know to hunker down for a lecture.   选择会议在哪里进行将反映在会议结束的方式上。如果你选择圆桌或是圆状的会议桌,这就是向会员们传递一个讯息那便是希望也鼓励他们积极参与,他们可以像进行演讲一样来表达自己的观点而不是像在进行视听课或是课堂讲演。
 Mastous espouses the former type of set-up and he solicits the opinions of every meeting participant as part of the company's consensus-based approach to decision making. While this might sound overly time consuming, it makes sense if you did a good job before the meeting began of weeding out unnecessary attendees.   马斯塔斯很赞成前一种会议的模式并且他把会议上每个人的意见征集起来达成共识从而成为决定的一部分。虽然这很耗费时间,但这是很有必要的,如果你工作到位的话,可以在会前淘汰不必要的人选。
 This is also part of the reason why he feels meetings are a great way to introduce new hires to company culture. "I call it the sharing of the DNA," he says. "It's critical for [new recruits] to understand the culture and philosophy of the company and in many cases they're only going to pick that up through meetings."这也是他把会议当做一种很好的引进新雇员到公司文化建设中来的原因之一。他说“我把它称为DNA共享“。对于新雇员来说了解公司的文化与原则是至关重要的,通过会议他们可以有很快的了解。
 Dig Deeper: How to Build a Corporate Culture of Trust
 How to Run an Effective Meeting: The Meeting Strategies of Great CEOs如何召开有效会议:首席执行官们会议的战略There are as many styles of running meetings as there are companies and CEOs but these three entrepreneurs have particularly interesting approaches to communicating with their staffs:
Caterina Fake,the co-founder of photo sharing site Flckr and currently runs Hunch a Web start-up and "decision engine." She has pretty strong feelings about meetings and they're not positive. "Interaction should be constant, not crammed into meetings once a week. At Hunch, we don't have meetings unless absolutely necessary. When I used to have meetings, though, this is how I would do it: There would be an agenda distributed before the meeting. Everybody would stand. At the beginning of the meeting, everyone would drink 16 ounces of water. We would discuss everything on the agenda, make all the decisions that needed to be made, and the meeting would be over when the first person had to go to the bathroom."
 凯特瑞纳.费克,照片共享网站Flckr的创建者目前在创建Hunch网站和decision engine。她对于会议有很强烈的反感,认为它们积极作用不大。她认为互动应该是一直都有的,而不应该把它仅填塞在每周一次的会议中。在Hunch网站公司里,除非是绝对需要不然不会召开会议。虽然过去我常常开会,但我开会的方式是:会前发放日程表。每个人都可以参加。在开会之前,每个人先喝16盎司的水。我们会讨论日程表上的所有事情,做出所需做出的一切决定,当有第一个人必须去洗手间时,会议就结束了。
Similarly, Mark Cuban, an entrepreneur and owner of the Dallas Mavericks sees meetings as a waste of time. He runs his whole business via e-mail and estimates that it saves him "five to 10 hours per day. No meetings. No phone calls. Everything is documented so the number of "let's talk again," or "get together to clarify," or "get on the same page" are gone. People learn very quickly to document and get to the point without the "intonation" of trying to sell me that occurs in meetings. I'm a Dragnet type of e-mail guy. Nothing but the facts. Leave the BS for other people."
 同样地,马克.库本,Dallas Mavericks的企业家,认为会议是浪费时间。他通过邮件来打理他的生意,据他估计他一天能节省5-10小时。不开会,也不打电话。一切都是通过文件传输,所以所谓的让我们再谈谈吧,一起聚首再商讨下或者统一下意见就免谈了。人们很快就能学会文件传输,立马就可以进入正题而不用考虑在开会时要注意用怎样的语调来表述自己的想法。我是典型的电子邮件虫。出了事情通知别无其他。离开BS是对其他人而言的。
At the end of his company's all-staff meetings, which are held every Monday, Justin Kan, the co-founder of Justin.tv makes sure people haven't been spacing out, and sometimes even he comes up short. "At the end [of the meeting], Mike, my co-founder and our CEO, gives everyone a quiz based on his notes from the meeting. It's just a fun thing, to test yourself and see if you're paying attention. Sometimes, I'll get five out of five answers right; other times, I might get two out of five."
By Josh Spiro |  Aug 4, 2010










