
时间:2020-10-08 10:32:26 药学毕业论文 我要投稿


作者:孙倩美 刘敬伟 陈向东
【关键词】 尿毒症
  【摘要】 目的 本文采用甲基纤维素细胞培养的方法,分析尿毒症患者血清对小鼠骨髓红系祖细胞集落形成的影响,初步探讨红细胞生成抑制因子的存在。方法 选择12例尿毒症肾性贫血未透析患者为试验组,另选正常健康体检者12例为正常对照组,将实验组、正常对照组血清分别稀释成不同终浓度,采用甲基纤维素细胞培养的方法对小鼠骨髓细胞进行培养,对比不同浓度血清组红系集落形成单位(CFU-E)、红系爆式形成单位(BFU-E)的集落数。结果 在实验组中,与血清浓度为0的浓度组相比,与各浓度组血清共同培养的小鼠骨髓CFU-E和BFU-E的集落数均明显减少,且随血清浓度的增加,小鼠骨髓CFU-E和BFU-E的集落数逐渐减少,各浓度组间差异有显著性(P<0.05)。结论 尿毒症患者血清抑制小鼠骨髓红系祖细胞集落形成,随患者血清浓度的增加,抑制作用增强,具有剂量依赖性。
  【关键词】 尿毒症;贫血;红系祖细胞;集落形成单位测定
  【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the existence of the erythropoiesis inhibitors (EI).Methods The present study included twelve undialyzed ESRD patients with anemia.The sera from the uremic patients were added to CFU-E and BFU-E culture in the concentrations ranging from 1.25% to 5%.In vitro CFU-E and BFU-E growth in the presence of sera from ESRD patients was compared with in the presence normal human subjects with the use of normal mice bone marrows.Results The effects of the sera from uremic patients on CFU-E and BFU-E colony growth in concentrations ranging from 1.25% to 5% were investigated to be dose-dependent.The effect increased with the concentrations increasing of the sera(P<0.05).There were not significant inhibitory effect on the CFU-E and BFU-E growth of mice bone marrow in vitro from sera of the normal subjects.Conclusion The erythropoiesis inhibitors exist in uremic sera which has a dose-dependent inhibitive effects on the growth CFU-E and BFU-E of normal mice bone marrow cells.
  【Key words】 uremia;anemia;erythroid progenitor cell;colony-forming units assay
  1 对象与方法
  1.1 实验对象 选择12例尿毒症肾性贫血未透析患者为实验组,原发病为慢性肾炎8例、高血压肾动脉硬化2例、慢性肾盂肾炎2例,其中男5例,女7例。患者平均年龄(50±12)岁,Cr范围8.2~14.7mg/dl,BUN范围83~135mg/dl。入选病例均无慢性炎症(C-反应蛋白水平正常),无血液系统疾病或肿瘤,无铁缺乏(血清铁蛋白>100ng/ml)。患者在实验前均无输血史,未使用过rHu-EPO、铁剂,实验前一个月未使用过ACEI。另选正常健康体检者12例设为对照组,男6例,女6例,平均年龄(48±14)岁。