
时间:2017-08-15 我要投稿

创新与突破——王蒙的“东方意识流”小说  说明:次文仅有摘要和目录,提供给有用之人.

摘  要:意识流小说二十世纪初兴起于西方,意识流是小说写作方法的一种新兴的方法,对于表现人物心理更为直接,更能表现出作者的写作意图。意识流与传统小说最直观的差异就是它不展现小说人物的言行,而是直接呈现人物的意识世界和流程。在七、八十年代之交,由于当时中国社会改革开放和思想解放运动的深入,使文学得到了一个突破、创新的契机。王蒙抓住了这个机会,借鉴西方的意识流小说,但不弃中国的传统小说,创新出一种兼具东西方文化的“东方意识流”。这种“东方意识流”具有中国的传统文化和社会主义现实主义,既有传统小说的情节构造和传统小说的表达方式,又具有西方意识流意识流动的特点以及意识流中内心独白,自由联想等表现技巧。王蒙的“东方意识流”小说是对传统的突破,更是一种创新,对中国文坛的发展起了很大的推动作用。


Innovation and Breakthrough
Wang Meng’s The Eastern Stream of Consciousness Novel
Abstract: Stream of consciousness novel at the beginning of 20th century started from the west, it is a new method of novel writing, it is more direct on the representation of the character’s mentality and it could tell the author’s purpose of his novel.  The greatest direct-viewing difference between the stream of consciousness and the traditional novel  is that Stream of consciousness novel does not unfold the character's words and deeds, but presents character's consciousness world and the flow directly. At the junctions of 70’s and 80's, at that time the Chinese social reform opening and ideological liberation movement penetrate into the society , it enabled the literature to obtain a turning point of breakthroughand the innovation . Wang Meng has held this opportunity, borrowing from the creation of stream of consciousness novel in western, but he does not abandon the traditional Chinese novel, innovates one kind of concurrently East and West culture "the Eastern stream of consciousness". This kind of "the Eastern stream of consciousness" has Chinese traditional culture and the Socialist Realism, it has the plot structure and the traditional expression way of the traditional novel , and it also has the characteristic in the western stream of consciousness’s consciousness mobile as well as the stream of consciousness the innermost feelings monologue, performance skill free association, and so on. Wang Meng’s Eastern stream of consciousness novel is the breakthrough to the traditional novel, is even one kind of innovation, it urges the development of Chinese literary arena.

Key words: Innovation;Exploration;The Stream of Consciousness;   
The Eastern Stream of Consciousness

目  录

前  言………………………………………………………………………………1
一、王蒙“东方意识流”的生成之因  …………………………………………1
 (二)“创新就是突破,就是翻已有案” ……………………………………2
 2.“内心独白”与“自由联想” ………………………………………6
结  语………………………………………………………………………………7
致  谢………………………………………………………………………………9

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