
时间:2021-04-27 17:57:47 法律毕业论文 我要投稿


摘要:信用证通知行在UCP600的规制下,承担的是转递信息的义务,通知行应当对外承担证实信用证真伪的义务,但是通知行也可以不履行通知的义务,条件是应当及时地通知各方。  关键词:信用证; UCP600; 通知行  UCP600是构建信用证法律关系的基本国际惯例,在信用证法律关系中,信用证通知行担任着同样重要的角色,并可能对当事方权利义务产生重要影响,笔者着力从以下权利义务角度解析通知行的权利义务。一、通知行承担的首先是通知义务,而非保证兑付的义务。UCP600 Article 9 Advising of Credits and Amendments a. A credit and any amendment may be advised to a beneficiary through an advising bank. An advising bank that is not a confirming bank advises the credit and any amendment without any undertaking to honour or negotiate. a. 信用证及其修改可以通过通知行通知受益人。除非已对信用证加具保兑,通知行通知信用证不构成兑付或议付的承诺。
UCP600 Article 9 Advising of Credits and Amendments b. By advising the credit or amendment, the advising bank signifies that it has satisfied itself as to the apparent authenticity of the credit or amendment and that the advice accurately reflects the terms and conditions of the credit or amendment received.
UCP600第九条c. An advising bank may utilize the services of another bank (“second advising bank”) to advise the credit and any amendment to the beneficiary. By advising the credit or amendment, the second advising bank signifies that it has satisfied itself as to the apparent authenticity of the advice it has received and that the advice accurately reflects the terms and conditions of the credit or amendment received.
  该条意指:c. 通知行可以利用另一家银行的服务(“第二通知行”)向受益人通知信用证及其修改。通过通知信用证或修改,第二通知行即表明其以为所收到的通知的表面真实性得到满足,且通知正确地反映了所收到的信用证或修改的条款及条件。