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Borland 公司的Delphi


Delphi是一个集成开发环境(IDE),使用的是由传统Pascal语言发展而来的Object Pascal语言。它在本质上是一个代码编辑器而不是一种语言,但是由于Delphi是几乎是市场上唯一的一个使用Pascal语言的产品,因此有的时候Delphi也成为了人们称呼Object Pascal的代名词。Borland公司已经把Object Pascal语言改称为Delphi语言。

从核心上说Delphi 其实是一个Pascal编译器。自从15 年前Anders Hejlsberg 写下第一个Turbo Pascal编译器以来,Borland 就一直在推动着Pascal编译器向前发展,而Delphi 5 是迈出的又一步。Turbo Pascal具有稳定、优雅以及编译速度快等特点,Delphi 5 也不例外,它综合了数十年来编译器的经验和最新的32 位优化编译技术。虽然近年来编译器的功能有了显著增加,它的速度却只减慢了很少。另外,Delphi 的性能仍然非常稳定。下面就让我们循着记忆的足迹再回过头去看一看Delphi 以前的各个版本以及每一版本发行的背景。


Delphi是全新的可视化编程环境,为我们提供了一种方便、快捷的Windows应用程序开发工具。它使用了Microsoft Windows图形用户界面的许多先进特性和设计思想,采用了弹性可重复利用的完整的面向对象程序语言(Object-Oriented Language)、当今世界上最快的编辑器、最为领先的数据库技术。对于广大的程序开发人员来讲,使用Delphi开发应用软件,无疑会大大地提高编程效率,而且随着应用的深入,您将会发现编程不再是枯燥无味的工作——Delphi的每一个设计细节,都将带给您一份欣喜。

面向对象的程序设计(Object-Oriented Programming,简记为OOP)是Delphi诞生的基础。OOP立意于创建软件重用代码,具备更好地模拟现实世界环境的能力,这使它被公认为是自上而下编程的优胜者。它通过给程序中加入扩展语句,把函数“封装”进Windows编程所必需的“对象”中。面向对象的编程语言使得复杂的工作条理清晰、编写容易。



一些早期的具有OOP性能的程序语言如C++, Pascal, Smalltalk等,虽然具有面向对象的特征,但不能轻松地画出可视化对象,与用户交互能力较差,程序员仍然要编写大量的代码。Delphi的推出,填补了这项空白。您不必自己建立对象,只要在提供的程序框架中加入完成功能的代码,其余的都交给Delphi去做。欲生成漂亮的界面和结构良好的程序丝毫不必绞尽脑汁,Delphi将帮助您轻松地完成。它允许在一个具有真正OOP扩展的可视化编程环境中,使用它的Object Pascal语言。这种革命性的组合,使得可视化编程与面向对象的开发框架紧密地结合起来。

Delphi具有以下的特性:基于窗体和面向对象的方法,高速的编译器,强大的数据库支持,与Windows编程紧密结合,强大而成熟的组件技术。但最重要的还是Object Pascal语言,它才是一切的根本。 Object Pascal语言是在Pascal语言的基础上发展起来的,简单易学。

在Delphi众多的优势当中,它在数据库方面的特长显得尤为突出:适应于多种数据库结构,从客户机/服务机 模式到多层数据结构模式;高效率的数据库管理系统和新一代更先进的数据库引擎;最新的数据分析手段和提供大量的企业组件。


The history of the Borland Delphi

Delphi is a new visual programming environment, we provide a convenient, fast Windows applications development tools. It uses Microsoft Windows graphical user interface of many advanced features and design ideas, using a flexible reusable integrity of the object-oriented programming languages (Object-Oriented Language), the world's fastest editor who most leads database technology. For all the developers speaking, the use of Delphi software development and application, will no doubt greatly enhance the efficiency of programming, and along with the in-depth application, you will find the programming work is no longer dull - every Delphi detailed design, will bring you a joy.

From the core Delphi said it is a Pascal compiler. Since the 15 former Anders Hejlsberg wrote a Turbo Pascal compiler, Borland has been in the promotion of the Pascal compiler development, and Delphi 5 is a further step. Turbo Pascal stable, elegant and fast compiler features such as Delphi 5 is no exception, which integrated a few decades of experience and compiler of the three latest two optimizing compiler technology. Although the functions of the compiler in recent years a significant increases, its speed will slow down only a few. In addition, Delphi performance remained very stable. Below Let us follow the footsteps of memories come back to look at the Delphi previous versions of the various versions of each issue, as well as the background.

Delphi is an integrated development environment (IDE), using the traditional Pascal language developed from the Object Pascal language. It, in essence, is a code editor rather than a language, but because Delphi is almost the only one to use the Pascal language products, Delphi also sometimes referred to as a people synonymous with Object Pascal. Borland has the Object Pascal language renamed Delphi language.

Delphi is actually a version of the Pascal language, but with traditional Pascal language worlds apart. Delphi program is a first application framework, and application of this framework is the "skeleton." In skeleton, even in the absence of attachment anything can still be strictly in accordance with the design and operation. Your work is in the "skeleton" to your procedure. The default application is a blank form (Form), you can run it, and the results are getting a blank window. Windows window is the window of the full nature: can be magnified narrow, Mobile, the largest of the smallest, and so on, but you did not prepare his party procedures. Therefore, it can be said that application framework through the provision of all the things there are applications for the development of user applications laid a good foundation.

OOP (Object-Oriented Programming, Jane recorded as OOP) is the basis of the birth of Delphi. OOP planned on creating software reuse code, a better simulate real-world environment capacity, it was generally acknowledged to be the winners of top-down programming. Through the process of accession to the expansion of statements, the function “packaging” the Windows programming necessary “objects". Object-oriented programming language makes clear grapple with the complexity of the work, the preparation easier.

That it is a revolution, and not the object itself, but rather on their ability to handle the case. With the traditional procedure does not object design and programming method compatible only part of the object-oriented instead situation worse. Unless the entire object-oriented development environment is, otherwise, the benefits of object also have not brought more trouble.

And Delphi is completely object-oriented; it is at your fingertips Delphi as a promotion tool for the development of software reuse, which has powerful appeal.

Some of the early performance of OOP programming languages such as C + +, Pascal, Smalltalk, and so on, although with the object-oriented features, but not easy to draw visual objects, and user interaction and limited capacity, programmers still have to prepare a lot of codes of he introduction of Delphi to fill this gap. You do not have to build their own object, as long as the procedures provided in the framework of accession to complete the function of the code, and the rest have to do to Delphi. To generate beautiful interface and well-structured procedures do not have the slightest racked his brains, Delphi will help you easily completed. It allows a true OOP in the expansion of the visual programming environment and use it the Object Pascal language. This revolutionary combination makes visual programming and object-oriented framework for the development of closely integrated.

Delphi has the following features: form-based and object-oriented methods, the high-speed compiler, and strong database support, closely integrated with Windows programming, the powerful and mature component technology. But the most important thing is Object Pascal language, it is the entire fundamental. Object Pascal language in the Pascal language is developed on the basis of, and easy to learn.

Many advantages in Delphi, it's expertise in the database is particularly conspicuous: adapted to a variety of database structure, from the client / server model to the multi-storey structure of the data model; efficient database management system and a new generation of more sophisticated database engine; the latest data analysis tools and provide a large number of enterprise components.

Borland Delphi is the famous develops visualization software development tools. "The real programmers use c, smart programmers with Delphi" This sentence is the most classic Delphi, the most realistic description. Delphi called fourth-generation programming language; it is simple, efficient and powerful features. And VC compared Delphi more simple and easy to grasp, and the functional but in no way inferior; and compared with VB, Delphi is a more powerful, more useful. It can be said that both the VC Delphi at the same time powerful and easy to learn the characteristics of VB. It has always been a love of programming tools programmers.

Although history is very important, but more important is Delphi future. Guided by history, we can be sure in the future for a very long time, Delphi will continue to be an excellent Windows development tools










